Forgiven - Christian Rock and Praise Team
Phoenix, Arizona
Week 1: Watch Out for the Pit of Self Pity


Reflections on the Inspired Word of GOD for the week of: Week of February 23, 2020

Today, I was reading the Jesus Calling devotional (See Jesus Calling Website). As I read the first sentence:

"Be on guard against the pit of self-pity."

The devotional warned that the "pit of self-pity" was a demonic trap that tries to lure me in when I'm weary and unwell. My thoughts went to the events of last week: our Family Dog, Zeus, was put to sleep, my knee still hurts which means I cant play golf or go bowling, and I gained a few extra pounds. I was getting depressed just thinking about this. Getting closer and closer to the edge.

Then a gentle nudge came from the Holy Spirit as I continued to read the devotional. It gave me a way to protect myself from this demonic trap.

When I am occupied with praising GOD and Thanking the LORD for all his blessing it is impossible to feel sorry for myself. After all, I have a loving wife, three adult children, a lovely daughter-in-law, good friends, and my health. The finances are in good shape, I have a full belly, I get to play music and perform, and I have the ability to post this to a website.

WOW!!! All I see are GOD's blessings and the best is yet to come.

If you have any other questions for me please send me an email.

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