Forgiven - Christian Rock and Praise Team
Phoenix, Arizona
Week 19: Peace, Be Still


A Study of the commands from our Lord, Jesus the Christ

Week 19, April 4th

This week's Tour Stop: the command: "Peace, Be Still".

The command is found in verse 39 of the passage Mark 4:35-41 (KJV).

This command was given to the storm. Okay, technically this command is not given to a "person".

HOWEVER, the result of the immediate obedience to the command, by both the wind and sea, did benefit the disciples.

The same story is told in Matthew 8:23-29 (NASB).

Here is a brief recap.

Jesus had just finished teaching when He told the disciples to get into a boat so they could cross over to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. According to the citation from Wikipedia, the boat ride to the "other side" could have taken several hours. So what does Jesus do after a day of teaching? Our Lord stretches out in the stern of the boat and takes a nap (verse 38).

As the disciples were navigating the boat to the other side, "there arose a great storm of wind" (verse 37). The Greek word used for storm is "lailaps" and has the meaning of "a whirlwind".

This storm was so violent, the disciples were scared that they would perish (verse 38).

The LORD, hearing the pleas from his disciples, arose from his sleep, rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Peace, be still" (verse 39). The command was immediately obeyed. The wind stops, the sea is calm, the disciples are physically safe, and there was no reason to fear. They are with the LORD.

Jesus then turns to the disciples and questions why were they afraid? and where was their faith? (verse 40)

Jesus was NOT seeking answers for these questions. Jesus is the LORD. He knows the reason we are scared and He knows the reasons we doubt. Jesus knows our heart.

I would like to think that I would have dropped to the deck of the boat and worshipped Jesus as the Son of GOD; BUT given the set of circumstances surrounding this event, I am pretty sure I would have been in the "same boat" with the disciples. (I couldn't resist.)

When the disciples realize that even the wind and sea obey Jesus' command, they "feared exceedingly" (verse 41). The Greek word used for fear is "phobos" and has the meaning of "terror".

The storm scared them; BUT, the thought that Jesus controlled the wind and sea terrorized them.

Were the disciples "too close" to Jesus? Were they "to familiar"? Right before this incident, Jesus' own family tries to stop his ministry and bring him home (see Mark 3:31 (NASB)).

In both accounts of the story of Jesus controling nature, demonstrating He was and is the Son of the Living GOD, the disciples never worshipped him as such. Even when confronted by demon possessed men proclaiming Jesus as the "Son of the Most High GOD" (see Mark 5:7 (NASB)). There is no sign of worshipping Jesus.

The only take away I have from this story is to reflect on Psalm 46:10 (KJV), "Be Still and Know I am GOD"

Whenever a storm arises in my life, I need to obey like the wind and sea and "be still" and Know GOD.

If you have any other questions for me please send me an email

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The tour continues next week with a look at another command from the Gospel of Mark.

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